Aici vor fi prezentate cateva oportunitatiile de finantare puse la dispozitia ONG-urilor din Iasi.
Programul de formare profesionala Leonardo da Vinci
Programul Comenius
Programul Erasmus
Programul EURYDICE
Programul de vizite periodice
Tineret in actiune
Programul Erasmus Mundus
Programul Tempus
Sustainable Communities Programme - Shell Foundation
Asistenta nerambursabila - Grant Assistance for GRASSROOTS PROJECTS
Civil Society - The CharlesStewart Mott Foundation
Education and HP philanthropy in Europe
Education grants program - Sun Microsystems Foundation
Educational grants - The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Employee Matching Gift Program - Sun Microsystems Foundation
Finantari - Balkan Children and Youth Foundation (BCYF)
Fondul pentru mobilitati S.T.E.P. Beyond
GRASP - Finantari cu Alocare Rapida
GSK Global Community Partnerships
Global Community Partnerships
Global Health -Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Grant - General Motors Philantrophy
Grant - The Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Grant CNF
Grant Program - Alcoa F.
Grant Program - Feed the Minds
Grant Program - MetLife Foundation
Grant Program - Millipore Foundation
Grant Program - Surdna Foundation
Grant Program - The Ambrose Monell Foundation
Grant Program - The Baxter International Foundation
Grant Program - The Carthage Foundation
Grant Program - The J. C. Downing Foundation
Grant Program - The Oak Foundation
Grant Program - The Virtual Foundation
Grant Project - The Ralph and Eileen Swett Foundation
Grant program - Nathan Cummings Foundation
Grant programs - The Compton Foundation
Grants - Ford Foundation
Grants Program - Arthur B. Schultz F.
Grants Program - IBM Philanthropy
Grants Program - The Sarah Scaife Foundation
Grants from RMHC
Preston Education Fund for Girls - Global Fund for Women
Programe de asistenta
Programs - International Orthodox Christian Charities
Programul de Actiune Comunitara pentru Combaterea Excluziunii Sociale 2002-2006
Programul pentru Reforma Administratiei Publice Locale prin Parteneriate Durabile(GRASP)-Program de Finantare pentru Idei Novatoare
Project Grant - Global Fund for Women
Social Transformation Programme (MATRA) Matra Small Embassy Projects Programme (KAP)
Sustainable Energy Programme - Shell Foundation
Programul Operational Sectorial - Cresterea Competitivitatii Economice 2007-2013
Programul Operational Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane
Iașul pregătește apărarea pentru războiul cu Rusia
Sub semnătura Magdei Grădinaru, SpotMedia publică ieri, 15 februarie 2024,
un amplu interviu cu istoricul ieșean Mihai Chiper din care eu rețin un
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